I worked in Primark for over 2 years (don't pity me, we had a BALL) and every ladies day without fail, 5pm would roll around and the prinnys in 6 inch heels would all hobble in to the store screechin about how they needed a pair of flip flops "raaaar now". It was brilliant. Bladdered in the queue on our floor, "Ashleeeeey!!! 'Old me clutch while I change me shoes pleeeeeease?!" "Who wants to go for a Teesooo's? Am proper staaaaaarvin". There'd be "merder" if there was no size 5s left. Devvod cos there's only "pure man sizes" left. I loved ladies day. I finished at 7pm and walked through Liverpool One with a Starbucks an a ciggy just people watching all the way to the 79 bus stop on Paradise Street. Every now and then there'd be a couple avin merder cos Jay looked at some slag in the queue for the HSBC cash machine on Church Street. "Eeeeee ya did a saaaaw ya doneven lie ya little sweat" but mostly it was just loads of people from all Liverpool and all over the North West avin an absolute ball. Demi Lee an Kelsey buzzin off the fact they caught a glimpse of Coleen and Alex from afar.
I'd recommend it to anyone that skits the girls cos of what they've seen on The Daily Mail Online. Cos if you went you'd actually have fun. And if you need some pencil for them understated eyebrows, they'd be more than happy to help.
I preferred to get the Echo with me mum and dad around 11am Saturday mornin an sit there pickin me horse in front of Live & Kicking. Watch it on telly then moan I hadn't won until Noel's House Party was on an I'd buzz off Mr Blobby. I'm the same now. I just watch it on telly but instead fume until payday.
Every year I think "them people who live in them houses over looking the race course are dead lucky. They get to be on telly once a year." In Primark we would do a sweepstake. This entailed us picking horses for each other based on its relevant name. Like I said, we had a ball....that wasn't the funniest thing to happen there though. The funniest was when the manager of the stock room fell over. He was fine like. But he went down like a sack of shit.
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